India is amongst world’s fastest growing energy market and is expected to be the second largest contributor to the increase in global energy demand by 2035. Given India’s growing energy demand, the government has plans to expand our renewable and Nuclear Power Industry. Till then, coal shall remain as the primary source of energy in the country. Keeping this thing in mind, the four Heads fused together and cropped up with the idea of venturing into Coal Mining business. Confident with the expertise and skill of all the four individual heads, a decision was arrived at with the immediate plan of action to hit the State of Meghalaya first.
Ministry of Coal
391 Coal Mines Operational in Northeast Region
The estimated coal resources in the North Eastern States of the country as per Coal Inventory of India published by GSI as on 01/04/2021 is 1739.37 million tonne and the state wise distribution are given below:
(Resource in million tonne Provisional)
There is no loss due to illegal coal mining in 2021-22 from the working areas of North Eastern Coalfields NEC. The responsibility to prevent illegal mining lies with the State Government agencies in addition NEC is also taking steps to prevent illegal mining is its working area.